Añoranza campera by Juan Carlos COBIÁN
Recording number: ERT-7254

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Añoranza campera by Felisa Díaz Vélez

Sin embargo tú abrigaste
Bajo tu alero florido,
De jazmines, madreselvas
Las tristezas de mi nido.

Tanda Builder

Additional information

The second part of the melody is the same as "A pan y aqua".

Orchestra members on this recording

PIANO: Contributor access
DOUBLEBASS: Contributor access
BANDONEON: Contributor access
VIOLIN: Contributor access

* Non guaranteed information; orchestras sometimes replaced or added musicians in some recording sessions.


Artist/2nd Artist: TangoDJ access
Composer: TangoDJ access
Author: TangoDJ access

* Non guaranteed information

About Añoranza campera