Adiós muchachos - Carlos GARDEL
Номер записи: ERT-12891

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El Recodo Tango App


Adiós muchachos - César Vedani (1927)

Adiós, muchachos, compañeros de mi vida,
barra querida de aquellos tiempos.
Me toca a mí hoy emprender la retirada,
debo alejarme de mi buena muchachada.
Adiós, muchachos. Ya me voy y me resigno...
Contra el destino nadie la talla...
Se terminaron para mí todas las farras,
mi cuerpo enfermo no resiste más...

Acuden a mi mente
recuerdos de otros tiempos,
de los bellos momentos
que antaño disfruté
cerquita de mi madre,
santa viejita,
y de mi noviecita
que tanto idolatré...
¿Se acuerdan que era hermosa,
más bella que una diosa
y que ebrio yo de amor,
le di mi corazón,
mas el Señor, celoso
de sus encantos,
hundiéndome en el llanto
me la llevó?

Es Dios el juez supremo.
No hay quien se le resista.
Ya estoy acostumbrado
su ley a respetar,
pues mi vida deshizo
con sus mandatos
al robarme a mi madre
y a mi novia también.
Dos lágrimas sinceras
derramo en mi partida
por la barra querida
que nunca me olvidó
y al darles, mis amigos,
mi adiós postrero,
les doy con toda mi alma
mi bendición...

Дополнительная информация

Adiós muchachos would have been the last tango sung by Carlos Gardel in Medellín, before boarding the flight where he would die in 1935. Since then, there is a legend saying that Adiós muchachos is a bearer of bad luck.

Авторские права

Художник/2-й Художник: TangoDJ access
Композитор: TangoDJ access
Автор: TangoDJ access

* Non guaranteed information

О Adiós muchachos


Ani Andreani

Ok guys, could you please take out 'goodbye boys' from the Quiz and from the Tanda suggestions...
Don't you know that this song is cursed and brings bad bad luck and death???

Gregory Diaz

Hi Ani, Sorry we won't remove Adios Muchachos nor any tango from El Recodo. However I wish you good Luck to compensate a bit :)

Ani Andreani

Yeah, I dont want you to remove it... just don´t bring it in the Quiz and don´t suggest it to DJs to put it in a Milonga... I mean, the program wouldn´t suggust to put Troilo from `41 with Troilo from `42 in one tanda, so why does the program suggest to put a song, that in Argentina is not played in any Milonga, for it´s fame of bringing death to everyone, who listens to it... don´t you think, that could be an exiting 'fun-fact'... People should not that... You have a responsability ;-)

Gregory Diaz

:) thx but I am not responsible of the community nor any dj set. If the community rate a recording as very bad for dancing, the tanda tool wont suggest it. By the way you can also remove it from your own tanda builder results by rating it very low. You can also discard any track by another one or build your tanda manually. Back the quiz, like the music section, I am afraid no tango will be removed.

Gregory Diaz

By the way I will try add the summary story about this work in the recording's additional info section. Sharing knowledge is the purpose of all this stuff...

Ani Andreani

Yeah, I think that migth be a veeeeeery important information ;-) I hope you take my words just as a constructive critic with a little bit of joking :) - El Recodo Tango es GENIAL, de verdad!!!!! Thank you so much!

Gregory Diaz

Of course Ani! And mine too. Thanks again for this contribution which leads to make this place each time a bit more complete. El Recodo is 'genial' as you said but mainly because of the very intense community.