Менеджер Tanda

Создание и управление тандой для танго-диджеев.

  • Создавайте свои новые Танды, используя мощную базу данных записей
  • Используйте Tanda Builder, чтобы быстро получить предложения по Тандам
  • Управляйте и храните свои Танды, где бы вы ни находились
  • Скачивайте свои Танды в виде плейлистов, совместимых с вашей библиотекой Tangolinked

Выберите танду для отображения.

Тег 1
Тег 2

Заполните имя и стиль вашей новой Танды


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О Менеджер Tanda


Korey Ireland

It seems my favorite feature - the reccomended additions to group of songs (tanda builder) is no longer available at the Contributor level, is that correct?

Gregory Diaz

Hi Korey
Yes It was only partially available to Contributors, then only to TangoDJs since septembre 2024. It is now available either with TangoDJ or Premium plans.
Double check you receive our news by email, as well as your News settings. You can also check all features level in the subscription page.

marga eleonora scroppo

donde estas la busqueda avancada? I really don't like this new layout...

Gregory Diaz

Hi Marga
This is on Tango Music. Click on Music in the menu.

Gregory Diaz

Hi again Marga,
The advanced search is back on the right panel of this page. However, it is a Tango Music feature, so the search will redirect you to the Music page. There haven't been any changes to the Tanda Manager layout so far, unless you haven’t used it for a very long time.


Comment faire une play list de tandas ?

Gregory Diaz

Bonjour Yves, ceci est un gestionnaire de tandas, pas un gestionnaire de playlistes.

Carlos Mora

querido Gregory,
soy un principante y gracias a tu trabajo estoy aprendiendo un montón. Vaya forma de poner orden a tantísima música. Pues eso: Aplauso y muchísimas gracias.

Gregory Diaz

Gracias por tu mensaje Carlos!

Kuro Kurosaka

I no longer see a button to ask for a different song in a tanda. Has that function been removed, or it's just a UI change? Also, is there a way to build a 4-song vals tanda?

Gregory Diaz

Hi Kuro, no change recently (check the changelog). To build 4 vals tanda you can do it manuall in the 3rd tab or automatically get a 3 vals tanda in the 2nd tab, save it, then edit in your tandas.

Kuro Kurosaka

Thank you. Now I see the button. Maybe I had my browser window too narrow.

Fernanda Bouza

Hola, ¿se pueden descargar las tandas creadas? ¿Cómo tendría que hacer luego si quiero usar esas tandas para musicalizar una milonga?

Gregory Diaz

Hola Fernanda, podes buscar vendedores de discos o de musica online. Aquí no hay descarga de musica. Abrazo

Marian Mugerza

Yo no creo que se pueden descargar, yo uso mi prrçipia música para musicalizar siguiendo las sugerencias d las tandas propuestas por el recodo

Marian Judez

No sé qué pasa que no funciona el creador de tandas

Gregory Diaz

Hola Mirian, el creador de tandas require una cuenta contribuidor.