Las tres de la mañana (Vals de las campanas) από Quinteto PIRINCHO (Francisco Canaro)
Αριθμός ηχογράφησης: ERT-14526

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For listening

For dancing


Las tres de la mañana (Vals de las campanas) από Theodora Morse (1921)

It's three o'-clock in the morn-ing,
We've danced the whole night thru,
And day-light soon will be dawn-ing,
Just one more waltz with you,

That mel-o-dy so en-tranc-ing,
Seems to be made for us two,
I could just keep right on danc-ing
for-ev-er dear with you.

There goes the three o' clock chime,
chim-ing, rhym-ing,
My heart keeps beat-ing in time,
Sounds like an old sweet love tune,
Say that there soon will be a hon-ey-moon.

It's three o' clock in the morn-ing,
We've danced the whole night thru,
And day-light soon will be dawn-ing,
Just one more waltz with you,

That mel-o-dy so en-tranc-ing,
Seems to be made for us two,
I could just keep right on danc-ing
for-ev-er dear, with you.

Tanda Builder

Επιπλεον πληροφοριες

Also known as "Three O’Clock in the Morning".

Μελη ορχηστρας σε αυτη την ηχογραφηση

ΠΙΑΝΟ: Contributor access
ΚΟΝΤΡΑΜΠΑΣΟ: Contributor access
BANDONEON: Contributor access
ΒΙΟΛΙ: Contributor access

* Μη διασταυρωμένη πληροφορία; Οι ορχήστρες κάποιες φορές αντικαθιστούσαν ή προσέθεταν μουσικούς σε κάποιες ηχογραφήσεις τους.

Σχετικά Las tres de la mañana (Vals de las campanas)


Jor Gonzalez

Hola, el compositor que figura es Julián Robledo y que registra el mismo tema con el título de 'A las tres de la mañana' grabado por la orquesta de Enrique Rodríguez ( ERT - 4659). Saludos

Gregory Diaz

Hola Jor,
Fichas completadas también con letras escritas en 1921 sobre este famoso tema de 1919.